How to make high quality peach puree? in this article you know, The north west region of Iran is ideal for growing incredibly sweet, juicy peaches perfect for puree production. With optimized harvesting, processing, and quality control, factories in this area can produce peach puree that meets international standards.
How to make High quality peach puree in factory?
Sourcing the Best Iranian Peach Varieties
The north west area grows yellow and white peach varieties prized for pureeing. Popular types include Shahmiveh, Roxi, Andak, Alicodeh and Shahroud. These large, freestone peaches have firm yet tender flesh with rich flavor. The semi-arid climate allows Natural ripening which maximizes sugar levels. Local farmers nurture the trees and hand pick at peak condition.
Harvesting Peaches at Just the Right Time
Timing harvest correctly ensures ideal ripeness. Peaches harvested too soon will lack sweetness and flavor. Overripe fruits break down during processing. The best peaches have fully developed aroma, a yellow-orange background color, and yield slightly to pressure. Portable refractometers help determine optimal Brix levels of 11-12%. Gentle handling prevents bruising.
Transporting Peaches to the Factory
Peaches get rapidly transported from orchard to factory to retain freshness. Vehicles have air-ride suspension and humidity control. Layers of soft foam protect the delicate fruits. Refrigerated conditions keep peaches cool. Expedient delivery reduces deterioration and allows processing within 6 hours of picking.
Inspecting and Sorting the Raw Peaches
At the facility, peaches run through a washer to clean off dirt and debris. Next, graders sort for ripeness, defects, and size consistency. Overripe, damaged, and undersized peaches get removed. Passing peaches may undergo testing for purity and quality attributes like pH, acidity, and Brix. Only premium fruits move ahead.
Peeling and Pitting with Minimal Waste
Specialized machines gently peel each peach. Abrasion and lye solutions separate skins without damaging the flesh. An automated pitter removes the stone core with minimal surrounding fruit loss. This efficient pitting optimizes the usable peach meat. Trimming by hand removes any remaining peels or pits.
Cooking and Pureeing Peaches
Clean peach halves get cooked in steam-jacketed kettles at low temperature to soften the cell structure. Constant stirring prevents scorching. Operators monitor texture until peaches reach the right consistency. The softened peaches pass through finisher screens and colloidal mills to puree into a smooth, consistent liquid.
Standardizing the Peach Puree
The goal is a puree with proper sugar content and the right degree of thickness. Pectin or gums increase viscosity. Titration calibrates acidity. Blending and heating ensure uniform distribution of all components. The puree should have pleasing aroma and color.
Pasteurizing in Precise Pasteurizers
Microbial safety is achieved by pumping the puree through continuous flow pasteurizers. Time and temperature parameters of 85°C for 1-2 minutes eliminate pathogens while retaining nutrition and flavor. The product transfers through plates or tubes heated by hot water or steam for rapid heating and cooling.
Filling Peach Puree into Retail Packaging
Sanitary fillers pump hot puree into retail pails, stand-up pouches, or aseptic cartons. Many packages feature reclosable fitments for convenience and to maintain quality after opening. Quart, pint, and single serve cups suit various usage occasions. Automated filling equipment delivers precise volumes and minimizes oxygen uptake.
Conducting Rigorous Quality Testing
Extensive laboratory testing verifies the puree meets all specifications throughout processing. pH, Brix, viscosity, color, microbiology, and organoleptic qualities are evaluated. Rheological profiling ensures optimal texture. Consistent quality standards give consumers confidence in the purity and safety of the puree.
Optimizing Frozen Storage Stability
Packaged puree is either refrigerated or, more commonly, frozen. Fast blast freezing prevents large ice crystal formation. Low temperature distribution centers and retailers maintain frozen inventory below -18°C. Shelf life studies under frozen storage identify ideal packaging and duration parameters to deliver a high quality product.
By harnessing the incredible flavor of local peach varieties, adopting global best practices, investing in modern equipment, and upholding meticulous quality control, factories in north west Iran can produce peach puree on par with the best in the world. The puree gives customers year-round access to the height of Iranian peach perfection.
For more information, visit our Peach puree product page.